Resource: Seminar

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Time: 2021-12-10 8:40
Address: Main Building B1-612
Useful links: Readling list; Schedules; Previous seminars.


  1. [NSDI 2021] Move Fast and Meet Deadlines: Fine-grained Real-time Stream Processing with Cameo, Jianfei
    Abstract: Resource provisioning in multi-tenant stream processing systems faces the dual challenges of keeping resource utilization high (without over-provisioning), and ensuring performance isolation. In our common production use cases, where streaming workloads have to meet latency targets and avoid breaching service-level agreements, existing solutions are incapable of handling the wide variability of user needs. Our framework called Cameo uses fine-grained stream processing (inspired by actor computation models), and is able to provide high resource utilization while meeting latency targets. Cameo dynamically calculates and propagates priorities of events based on user latency targets and query semantics. Experiments on Microsoft Azure show that compared to state-of-the-art, the Cameo framework: i) reduces query latency by 2.7X in single tenant settings, ii) reduces query latency by 4.6X in multi-tenant scenarios, and iii) weathers transient spikes of workload.
  2. [ICML 2021] Data-Free Knowledge Distillation for Heterogeneous Federated Learning, Jianqi
    Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a decentralized machine-learning paradigm, in which a global server iteratively averages the model parameters of local users without accessing their data. User heterogeneity has imposed significant challenges to FL, which can incur drifted global models that are slow to converge. Knowledge Distillation has recently emerged to tackle this issue, by refining the server model using aggregated knowledge from heterogeneous users, other than directly averaging their model parameters. This approach, however, depends on a proxy dataset, making it impractical unless such a prerequisite is satisfied. Moreover, the ensemble knowledge is not fully utilized to guide local model learning, which may in turn affect the quality of the aggregated model. Inspired by the prior art, we propose a data-free knowledge distillation} approach to address heterogeneous FL, where the server learns a lightweight generator to ensemble user information in a data-free manner, which is then broadcasted to users, regulating local training using the learned knowledge as an inductive bias. Empirical studies powered by theoretical implications show that, our approach facilitates FL with better generalization performance using fewer communication rounds, compared with the state-of-the-art.








  • [Topic] [ The path planning algorithm for multiple mobile edge servers in EdgeGO], Rong Cong, 2020-11-18






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