Course: Advanced Network Computing

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You can leave your questions and suggestions in the discussion board.


This course will introduce recent advances in network computing. Specifically, it contains four sections: SDN/NFV, Edge Computing, IoT, and Network Big Data. In SDN/NFV, we mainly talk about two topics: Consistent update, traffic engineering and VNF embedding. In Edge Computing, we mainly talk about the topics of deployment and task offloading. In Internet-of-Things, we mainly talk about the topics of low-power protocols, long-range IoT and IoT applications/systems. In Network Big Data, we mainly talk about the topics of wireless sensing and various applications based on smartphone big data.

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Reference books:

  • Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach, 2014
  • Network Function Virtualization: Ken Gray, Thomas D. Nadeau, 2016
  • Big Data and The Internet of Things, 2015
  • Edge Computing: From Hype to Reality, 2019

Requirements (2019)

Final score = 40% x class presentation+ 60% x exam.

Class presentation

The class score comes from the class presentations.

Paper selection

Each student is required to make a presentation (15-20min) of a research paper selected from the top conferences/journals in network computing.

  • Class A: SigComm/INFOCOM/MobiCom/ToN/TMC/TPDS/JSAC/TC/SenSys/IWQoS
  • Class B: IPSN/NSDI/ICNP/MobiHoc/MobiSys/other IEEEACM Transactions
  • Class C: SECON/MASS/DCOSS/Posters from Class-A conferences

If you have no idea after gone through the above list, you may select papers from the list.

Time slots

We have in total 32 time slots for presentations. Please send a mail to "" and apply for a specific slot. The format of the mail is shown as below.

Title: 时间序列申请
论文:XXXXX, Conference/Journal name, Year
鹿晗; 201801233211
赵本山; 201701233212

Please refer to the following time table before applying for a specific time slot. Green blocks are available slots.

Time\Week 5th 6th 7th 8th
19:30-20:00 1 2 9 10 17 18 25 26
20:05-20:35 3 4 11 12 19 20 27 28
20:40-21:10 5 6 13 14 21 22 29 30
21:15-21:45 7 8 15 16 23 24 31 32


  1. 邹欣纯, 牟泽培. Gentle Flow Control: Avoiding Deadlock in Lossless Networks, SIGCOMM ’19
  2. 毛培力, 孙磊. DeltaVR: Achieving High-Performance Mobile VR Dynamics through Pixel Reuse, IPSN‘19
  3. 王薇, 林晨曦, 倪帅. Smart-U: Smart Utensils Know What You Eat, INFOCOM'18
  4. 莫继为, 冯思林. A Millimeter Wave NetWork for Billions of Things, SIGCOMM'19
  5. 苏宏祖, 姚孝顺. A Database Approach to SDN Control Plane Design,SIGCOMM'17
  6. 张宇晗, 邓金红. Deep User Modeling for Content-based Event Recommendation in Event-based Social Networks, INFOCOM'18.
  7. 孙逊, 王书贝, 陈维龙. EE-IoT: An Energy-Efficient IoT Communication Scheme for WLANs, INFOCOM'19
  8. 任彦璟, 王子卿. MV-Sketch: A Fast and Compact Invertible Sketch for Heavy Flow Detection in Network Data Streams, INFOCOM'19
  9. 朱铭, 田亮. GCN-GAN: A Non-linear Temporal Link Prediction Model for Weighted Dynamic Network, INFOCOM'19
  10. 唐明杰, 傅阳. On Optimal Neighbor Discovery,SigComm'19
  11. 刘昊东, 王心勇. Federated Learning over Wireless Networks: Optimization Model Design and Analysis, INFOCOM'19
  12. 张栋, 卢胜. EchoWrite: An Acoustic-based Finger Input System Without Training,ICDCS'19
  13. 刘长胜, 邓恒玮, 杨轩. CapeVM: A Safe and Fast Virtual Machine for Resource-Constrained Internet-of Things Devices, SenSys’18
  14. 王晓松, 张杰. Keep Others From Peeking At Your Mobile Device Screen, MobiCom'19
  15. 汤浩, 姜颖昊, 王智. Intelligent Edge-Assisted Crowdcast with Deep Reinforcement Learning for Personalized QoE,INFOCOM 2019
  16. 张龙飞, 聂海锋. Federated Learning over Wireless Networks: Optimization Model Design and Analysis, INFOCOM'19
  17. 刘杰, 吴飞, 付灵傲. Control Plane Compression, SigComm'18
  18. 罗南昆, 黄梓伟. Offloading Distributed Applications onto SmartNICs using iPipe, SigComm'19
  19. 刘勇, 聂伟鹏, 王敏. Concurrent Cross-Technology Communication Among Heterogeneous IoT Devices, TON'19
  20. 吴俊锐, 胡力卫, 陈文卓. Adaptive Path Tracing with Programmable,INFOCOM'19
  21. 王炜松, 牛梦婷, 周旭. Incentivizing Microservices for Online Resource Sharing in Edge Clouds ,ICDCS'19
  22. 陈胜远, 王志浩. Adaptive Path Tracing with Programmable Bloom Filters in Software-Defined Networks,INFOCOM'19
  23. 丁晓聪, 毛文量, 张浩杰. Interference Recycling: Exploiting Interfering Signals to Enhance Data Transmission, INFOCOM'19
  24. 孟大寓, 黄家旺. End-to-End Transport for Video QOE Fairness,SIGCOMM'19
  25. 朱政, 雷林飞. ACCEL: Accelerating the Bitcoin Blockchain for High-throughput, Low-latency Applications, INFOCOM'19
  26. 张亚, 罗通. Accurate Marking Method of Network Attacking Information Based on Big Data Analysis, ICITBS'19


The exam will contain two types of questions: Concept understanding (7 questions) and problem-solving (2 questions). Don't worry if you do not major in computer networks because all questions will be selected from class tests (answers will be discussed in class).

Bonus system

You have chance to get bonus points before the presentations and the final exam. Here are the ways how you get bonus:

  • Select papers from top venues.

We encourage all students to select papers from the Class-A conferences and journals.

  1. A Class-A paper gets 4 bonus points for presentation.
  2. A Class-B paper gets 2 bonus points for presentation.
  • Select earlier time slots

As most of you have no experience of public presentations, I believe pioneers will take more pressure. As a result, the earlier you do the presentation, more bonus you get. Specifically,

  1. time slots in 5th week get 3 bonus points
  2. time slots in 6th week get 2 bonus points
  3. time slots in 7th week get 1 bonus points
  • Raise questions to presenters

To encourage the discussion of the presentation, each raised question will be given a 2 points bonus. Each student can gain 6 bonus (three questions) points at most.


The slides will be sent to all students in class. Note: the questions and answers will not be shared.

Referenced links: