Resource: Paper Carnival 2023

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Opening for Paper Carnival--Prof. Zhao "9:00-9:20"

Edge--Rong "9:20-9:40"

[Report for Ph.D Thesis] [Deployment Optimization and Resource Management for Intelligent Edge Networks]


[INFOCOM 2023] Cross-Camera Inference on the Constrained Edge [INFOCOM 2022] Optimal Shielding to Guarantee Region-Based Connectivity under Geographical Failures


[TPDS 22] HiTDL: High-Throughput Deep Learning Inference at the Hybrid Mobile Edge


[INFOCOM 23] AccDecoder: Accelerated Decoding for Neural-enhanced Video Analytics


[MobiCom 23] AccuMO: Accuracy-Centric Multitask Offloading in Edge-Assisted Mobile Augmented Reality


[NSDI 23] RECL: Responsive Resource-Efficient Continuous Learning for Video Analytics


[MobiCom 23] AdaptiveNet: Post-deployment Neural Architecture Adaptation for Diverse Edge Environments

Zhenguo Bi"16:25-16:55"

[UbiComp 2021] Spatio-Temporal Urban Knowledge Graph Enabled Mobility Prediction

Mengfan Wang"16:55-17:25"

[SenSys 2022] Hyperion: A Generic and Distributed Mobile Offloading Framework on OpenCL

LoRa--Wenliang Mao "9:00-9:30"

[Report for Ph.D Thesis] [Networking and Transmission Technologies for LPWAN]

Mengyu Kang"9:30-10:00"

[MobiCom 2021] Shrimp: a robust underwater visible light communication system

Kai Chen"10:00-10:30"

[INFOCOM 2023] LigBee: Symbol-Level Cross-Technology Communication from LoRa to ZigBee

Project--Xinyu Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Jiajun Chen "10:45-11:15"

[Project Report] [Domain Specific Language for IoT Devices]

Project--Jiahui Zhu, Kun Wang "11:15-11:45"

[Project Report] [Evaluation on Heterogeneous Unmanned Networks with Time-varying Elements and Tracking Algorithm for Multiple Heterogeneous Objects]