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|time='''Friday 10:30-12:00'''
|time='''2024-09-29 10:30-12:00'''
|addr=4th Research Building A518
|addr=4th Research Building A518
|note=Useful links: [[Resource:Reading_List|Readling list]]; [[Resource:Seminar_schedules|Schedules]]; [[Resource:Previous_Seminars|Previous seminars]].
|note=Useful links: [[Resource:Reading_List|📚 Readling list]]; [[Resource:Seminar_schedules|📆 Schedules]]; [[Resource:Previous_Seminars|🧐 Previous seminars]].

|abstract=Packet loss due to link corruption is a major problem in large warehouse-scale datacenters. The current state-of-the-art approach of disabling corrupting links is not adequate because, in practice, all the corrupting links cannot be disabled due to capacity constraints. In this paper, we show that, it is feasible to implement link-local retransmission at sub-RTT timescales to completely mask corruption packet losses from the transport endpoints. Our system, LinkGuardian, employs a range of techniques to (i) keep the packet buffer requirement low, (ii) recover from tail packet losses without employing timeouts, and (iii) preserve packet ordering. We implement LinkGuardian on the Intel Tofino switch and show that for a 100G link with a loss rate of 10−3, LinkGuardian can reduce the loss rate by up to 6 orders of magnitude while incurring only 8% reduction in effective link speed. By eliminating tail packet losses, LinkGuardian improves the 99.9th percentile flow completion time (FCT) for TCP and RDMA by 51x and 66x respectively. Finally, we also show that in the context of datacenter networks, simple out-of-order retransmission is often sufficient to significantly mitigate the impact of corruption packet loss for short TCP flows.
|abstract = Overlapping cameras offer exciting opportunities to view a scene from different angles, allowing for more advanced, comprehensive and robust analysis. However, existing video analytics systems for multi-camera streams are mostly limited to (i) per-camera processing and aggregation and (ii) workload-agnostic centralized processing architectures. In this paper, we present Argus, a distributed video analytics system with cross-camera collaboration on smart cameras. We identify multi-camera, multi-target tracking as the primary task of multi-camera video analytics and develop a novel technique that avoids redundant, processing-heavy identification tasks by leveraging object-wise spatio-temporal association in the overlapping fields of view across multiple cameras. We further develop a set of techniques to perform these operations across distributed cameras without cloud support at low latency by (i) dynamically ordering the camera and object inspection sequence and (ii) flexibly distributing the workload across smart cameras, taking into account network transmission and heterogeneous computational capacities. Evaluation of three real-world overlapping camera datasets with two Nvidia Jetson devices shows that Argus reduces the number of object identifications and end-to-end latency by up to 7.13× and 2.19× (4.86× and 1.60× compared to the state-of-the-art), while achieving comparable tracking quality.
|confname=SIGCOMM '23
|confname=TMC' 24
|link = https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10682605
|title=Masking Corruption Packet Losses in Datacenter Networks with Link-local Retransmission
|title= Argus: Enabling Cross-Camera Collaboration for Video Analytics on Distributed Smart Cameras
|abstract=Disaggregated memory systems separate monolithic servers into different components, including compute and memory nodes, to enjoy the benefits of high resource utilization, flexible hardware scalability, and efficient data sharing. By exploiting the high-performance RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access), the compute nodes directly access the remote memory pool without involving remote CPUs. Hence, the ordered key-value (KV) stores (e.g., B-trees and learned indexes) keep all data sorted to provide rang query service via the high-performance network. However, existing ordered KVs fail to work well on the disaggregated memory systems, due to either consuming multiple network roundtrips to search the remote data or heavily relying on the memory nodes equipped with insufficient computing resources to process data modifications. In this paper, we propose a scalable RDMA-oriented KV store with learned indexes, called ROLEX, to coalesce the ordered KV store in the disaggregated systems for efficient data storage and retrieval. ROLEX leverages a retraining-decoupled learned index scheme to dissociate the model retraining from data modification operations via adding a bias and some data-movement constraints to learned models. Based on the operation decoupling, data modifications are directly executed in compute nodes via one-sided RDMA verbs with high scalability. The model retraining is hence removed from the critical path of data modification and asynchronously executed in memory nodes by using dedicated computing resources. Our experimental results on YCSB and real-world workloads demonstrate that ROLEX achieves competitive performance on the static workloads, as well as significantly improving the performance on dynamic workloads by up to 2.2 times than state-of-the-art schemes on the disaggregated memory systems. We have released the open-source codes for public use in GitHub.
|abstract = We present FarfetchFusion, a fully mobile live 3D telepresence system. Enabling mobile live telepresence is a challenging problem as it requires i) realistic reconstruction of the user and ii) high responsiveness for immersive experience. We first thoroughly analyze the live 3D telepresence pipeline and identify three critical challenges: i) 3D data streaming latency and compression complexity, ii) computational complexity of volumetric fusion-based 3D reconstruction, and iii) inconsistent reconstruction quality due to sparsity of mobile 3D sensors. To tackle the challenges, we propose a disentangled fusion approach, which separates invariant regions and dynamically changing regions with our low-complexity spatio-temporal alignment technique, topology anchoring. We then design and implement an end-to-end system, which achieves realistic reconstruction quality comparable to existing server-based solutions while meeting the real-time performance requirements (<100 ms end-to-end latency, 30 fps throughput, <16 ms motion-to-photon latency) solely relying on mobile computation capability.
|confname=NSDI '23
|confname=MobiCom' 23
|link = https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3570361.3592525
|title=ROLEX: A Scalable RDMA-oriented Learned Key-Value Store for Disaggregated Memory Systems
|title= FarfetchFusion: Towards Fully Mobile Live 3D Telepresence Platform

Latest revision as of 23:44, 26 September 2024

Time: 2024-09-29 10:30-12:00
Address: 4th Research Building A518
Useful links: 📚 Readling list; 📆 Schedules; 🧐 Previous seminars.


  1. [TMC' 24] Argus: Enabling Cross-Camera Collaboration for Video Analytics on Distributed Smart Cameras, Bairong
    Abstract: Overlapping cameras offer exciting opportunities to view a scene from different angles, allowing for more advanced, comprehensive and robust analysis. However, existing video analytics systems for multi-camera streams are mostly limited to (i) per-camera processing and aggregation and (ii) workload-agnostic centralized processing architectures. In this paper, we present Argus, a distributed video analytics system with cross-camera collaboration on smart cameras. We identify multi-camera, multi-target tracking as the primary task of multi-camera video analytics and develop a novel technique that avoids redundant, processing-heavy identification tasks by leveraging object-wise spatio-temporal association in the overlapping fields of view across multiple cameras. We further develop a set of techniques to perform these operations across distributed cameras without cloud support at low latency by (i) dynamically ordering the camera and object inspection sequence and (ii) flexibly distributing the workload across smart cameras, taking into account network transmission and heterogeneous computational capacities. Evaluation of three real-world overlapping camera datasets with two Nvidia Jetson devices shows that Argus reduces the number of object identifications and end-to-end latency by up to 7.13× and 2.19× (4.86× and 1.60× compared to the state-of-the-art), while achieving comparable tracking quality.
  1. [MobiCom' 23] FarfetchFusion: Towards Fully Mobile Live 3D Telepresence Platform, Mengfan
    Abstract: We present FarfetchFusion, a fully mobile live 3D telepresence system. Enabling mobile live telepresence is a challenging problem as it requires i) realistic reconstruction of the user and ii) high responsiveness for immersive experience. We first thoroughly analyze the live 3D telepresence pipeline and identify three critical challenges: i) 3D data streaming latency and compression complexity, ii) computational complexity of volumetric fusion-based 3D reconstruction, and iii) inconsistent reconstruction quality due to sparsity of mobile 3D sensors. To tackle the challenges, we propose a disentangled fusion approach, which separates invariant regions and dynamically changing regions with our low-complexity spatio-temporal alignment technique, topology anchoring. We then design and implement an end-to-end system, which achieves realistic reconstruction quality comparable to existing server-based solutions while meeting the real-time performance requirements (<100 ms end-to-end latency, 30 fps throughput, <16 ms motion-to-photon latency) solely relying on mobile computation capability.







  • [Topic] [ The path planning algorithm for multiple mobile edge servers in EdgeGO], Rong Cong, 2020-11-18






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